GR79-1122-4395, Remington New Model Army 1st Type Conversion. 5 Shot. .46 RF Cal. “Am. Ex. Co. 265” marked. BUY NOW
GR79-1122-4395, Remington New Model Army 1st Type Conversion. 5 Shot. .46 RF Cal. “Am. Ex. Co. 265” marked on the back strap. Heavy dark patina on frame and chocolate patina everywhere else. Rollin White patent address on the frame. Cartouches on both grips. 40% silver on the trigger guard which I find interesting. The gun could have been refinished when sold on the civilian market. The silver on the brass is period. Serial number 129,xxxmatches on barrel and frame. Conversion number 1967 matches on the barrel and frame too. There is also a number 24 on the barrel and frame. I do not know what that number is. Clear barrel address. I find these early Remington conversions fascinating. The way I see it is this gun had 3 lives Made for the civil war, immediately following the civil war would have been converted and then carried west onto the frontier. Then it was sold on the Civilian marker to American Express where it was probably carried on horseback or wagon. These conversions were the first large caliber cartridge guns purchased by the US government. I believe many of these conversions were carried west. They had a short life, by the late 1860sSmith & Wesson came out with the 1st Model American in center fire and RF revolvers starting to become obsolete. I think carrying RF cartridges was a challenge because soldiers were limited to the ammunition you could carry, where as a percussion revolver, all you had to have was lead, caps and a mold. You could outfit yourself for a longer trip. In Remington Conversion book by R Phillips he mentions in 1868 Kittridge sold a batch of “Smith & Wesson’s Patent Pistols for copper Cartridges, with two cylinder” for $74.91 to C. Siebert in Columbus Ohio. Also, that in 1869 Hartley and Graham sold CAsed sets of these revolvers for $20. It was probably at this time the gun would have been purchased by American Express and used for guard their good. Very interesting revolver that I am sure would have stories to tell if it could talk. Gun shows honest wear and use marks. Crisp tight mechanics. Bright and shiny bore, crisply rifled. Fine condition bore. Very good overall. A real piece of history!
Est. Retail Value: $2000
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